Tuesday, November 5, 2013

11.05.2013 Nine Weeks with Clark


Today was a good day!   Twice I put Clark down for his nap in his big crib - all bundled up like a parcel, on his side and he slept for a good while, both times just over an hour.  The third time?  well, it didn't work so well, because during his sleep he developed hiccups and pooped...or did the poop cause the hiccups?

I dunno - but he didn't get extremely angry any of the times he woke up in the crib, so I feel it was kind of a success!  you know..kind of...

Here you see the sleeping peaceful child...a rare sight!
notice the colorful visually appealing blankie, mere inches from his face,
placed there in the hopes that when he opens his eyes,
he'll be instantly rapt and not shriek in disgust at his location.
the wild pink and orange stuffed creature is propping him up on his side,
 in the hopes that in this position he will remain asleep for at least 2 hours
(and therefore wake up refreshed and not shrieking.)
Didn't quite make it to two hours,
but he likes having the soft fuzzy head of the creature rubbed on his head and cheeks.
His Dad Tim came home for a brief time at lunch time - Clark was very smiley at the sight of his Dad!

We went for an hour long, from 2 -3 - he slept for most of it.  We got back into the house and he had a little yell fest all by himself.  I used that yell time to prep a bottle...which he proceeded to suck down just as if he hadn't been fed an entire bottle just 2 hours before.

And then his mother was home!  and he was extremely happy...

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