Thursday, January 3, 2013

01.03.2013 Leftovers and New Projects!

01.03.2013  Leftovers and New Projects.

I knit and crochet.  I also play piano.  I play the flute.  I have canned hundreds of jars of tomatoes and pickles and jellies and jams.  I love to ride my bike.  Therefore, I have carpal tunnel.  :)

And that's fine, except I need to pick and choose wisely what I do at any point of time.  Because most of the stuff I love to do causes my carpal to flare up.  Therefore I can only do any of the above things I like to do one at a time.  I can't play piano for 2 hours and then crochet until I go to bed.  I can't ride my bike for hours and hours and then expect to be able to play flute in a band.

Lately I've been crocheting.  My pal Scott has two granddaughters, K1 and K2,  and this past November I decided to crochet them each an afghan for Christmas.  Well, I got one done.  here's a picture - yes, it's bright.  As my sister said "now that my eyes have stopped bleeding, I can see it's really pretty!"  But those colors are K2's favorite colors and she's in 2nd grade and the colors match her bedroom perfectly.  Yes, I know you're wondering how she sleeps at night with all those colors but she does!

The second one unfortunately did not get finished in time for K1 to open it on Christmas morning.  In fact, it's still not done.  I'm steadily working on it however, and it WILL be done to give her next week on her 12th birthday.  This one is not as bright..but it is also crocheted in panels, a shell stitch.  The color of the panels?  Royal blue, dark purple and Lime Green.  Yep.  Her favorite colors.  Each is outlined in Black and I will connect them with a raised stitch of black Sparkle yarn.  I'll try to remember to insert a picture here when I'm done.  

So yep, I have a leftover project...which will soon be finished.  I have another leftover project, a scarf I started in June with the intent to hand it over to my cousin Sue when I saw her on my vacation.  It's still not done.  I have no interest in the pattern, so I'm thinking of ripping it out and starting over.  ugh.  I have another leftover project, a Nook case,  made with little knitting needles and expensive yarn that I started in 2010.  I WILL finish that because durn it, that yarn was too $$ to let it just languish.    I have another leftover project.  Last October I bought 2 skeins of REALLY soft thick baby yarn for a road trip project.  10 bucks a SKEIN!  I'm into the 2nd skein.  Just straight crochet.  It's fast going with such thick yarn, but it got shelved when I started the Christmas afghans.

Another leftover project?  My mother bought me a crewel needlepoint kit years ago - very pretty..lots of birds on a tree of some kind.  I remember her buying it for me when I was about 12.  I still have it.  I'm 55.  I never started it.  Sigh.  OOOHH, maybe i'll give it to K1 next week for her birthday!  

New Projects!  I have a Grandchild in the works  :)  So I'll be spending lots of time crocheting baby things this year - I saw THIS today on Facebook and decided to try to win the book.

My son is more fond of ROBOTS, but this has pretty cute monsters!  and I like the monster hat!  

Again, Happy New Year.  I hope 2013 brings only good things to you and yours!