Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11.06.2013 Nine Weeks with Clark


Today is rapidly shaping up to be a stellar day!   :)

And funny, because it's cold and damp and windy and rainy outside so we won't be least, Clark won't be.  I'm not going to be the reason for his first big cold!

But we're snug in the house, and he's just been great today..we're getting a new routine for naps which includes endless repeats of Edelweiss while he's cuddling on my shoulder, and then a dump into the crib on a waiting fuzzy blanket, which I then tuck in around him.  He's bundled at night and sleeps very well, so it finally dawned on me that perhaps he needs to be bundled for naps as well right now.  Took me long, enough...sheesh.

anyway - he's currently sleeping in his crib for nap 3 of 3.  First Nap was a crib nap, the second nap....omigosh!  he put himself to sleep in the bouncy chair!  He did that once before, weeks ago, but not until today was there a repeat!
here he is, happy and smiling at me AND the ceiling light!

here he is, seconds later!  whoo hoo!

So I'm hoping this is the beginning of a trend.
 If you're full and you're happy, complete with a clean diaper, for  goodness sake's,
put your sweet self to sleep without fighting it!

After waking up, we had a wonderful hour or so of laying on the floor, rolling around.  His hour just might have been less painful than my hour, but roll we both did.  And he did some Tummy Time!  which wore him out, resulting in
 1. a need for a few drinks and
2. a need for nap number 3

...for HIM, not me..


When was the last time you were mere inches from a baby face?  It's a beautiful thing!  His eyes are amazing; the whites are so white and the blues are so blue!  He was laying on his side, resting from being on his tummy, hands jammed into his mouth, drooling like a St. Bernard; I was laying on MY side, facing him..I was not drooling nor were my hands in my mouth.  We looked into each other's eyes, he studied me, and then took his hands out of his mouth and smiled a big ol' baby smile at me...
and then sloshed his wet hand all over my face.  
It was great!

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